Starting week of Oct. 14 Weekly study based on "Tale of Three Kings", "Crucified by Christians", "The Prisoner in the Third Cell" by Gene Edwards. Interest meeting Sunday 10/12 after worship service. For more information, contact Dan Weiss
“ A man walks down the street and falls through an open manhole. Next day, the man knows the manhole is there but falls through it anyway. Next day, the man knows it’s there and walks around it. Next day, the man realizes that he no longer needs to walk down that street anymore. It’s hard to see the light when you are in a subterranean manhole. We live where it is dark, stanky, slimey and infested when we walk in a lack of submission to Jesus and others, an incorrect understanding of the blessings of brokenness, and a denial of the power of the cross cherishing the false empowerment that bitterness and unforgiveness offers. Through the examination of three short, yet powerful books and the study of five biblical topics, we will examine what keeps us in the manhole and emerge from it with having learned to appropriate and apply forgiveness in the moment, so the enemy does not gain an advantage. With a better understanding of what God uses to sanctify us from glory to glory and a more willing submission to Jesus’s discipleship of us, we will grow freer and more willing and able to disciple others with the heart of the Father Himself. ”