to Aug 2


Join us July 29-August 2 for a fun-filled week as we discover God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands! Breaker Rock Beach VBS is open to children ages 3 (must be potty trained) - rising 6th graders. 

Cost: $40/child

If you have any questions, please reach out to our children’s director, Melissa Lee, at melissa@wholeword.net.

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to Jul 12

CEF 5 Day Club

Child Evangelism Fellowship 5-Day Club

5-Day Clubs are led by teens who are trained as summer missionaries to teach children about Jesus.

·  This is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship.  The focus is on bringing children to know Jesus as Lord and Savior but the content is also geared towards helping saved children grow in their relationship with God.

·  The 5-Day Clubs will be held July 8-12 starting at 10:30 and ending at 12:00.  

·  There is no cost to attend.

·  Recommended age range is 5-12 due to the length of the program

·  Reach out to Mary Beth Romani with any questions

·  Please invite your friends and neighbors so they can learn about the saving love of Jesus!

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to Jun 30

Abide Women's Conference

'Abide' was a word that the Holy Spirit highlighted for our women as we sought the Lord.

Many of us live fast-paced lives, constantly bombarded with demands. In the midst of this busy and chaotic season, we believe there is an invitation to go deeper with Jesus and find rest in Him. There is fruitfulness and overflow when we choose to abide in Jesus.

We are thrilled to have Pastor Tina Davis from New Life Church with us. It's going to be an amazing time of refreshing and renewal as we seek the Lord together!

  • Session 1 - 6/29, Saturday morning at 9:30am

  • Session 2 - 6/29, Saturday afternoon after lunch

  • Session 3 - 6/30, Sunday morning @ 10:30AM

*There is a registration fee of $20 for the conference which includes lunch on Saturday.

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[Special Guest] Brother Bennie

Brother Bennie served as vice-president of Alpha Ministries for many years, becoming Alpha’s president in 2019. In the over 50 years since its founding, Alpha has trained over 50,000 leaders across Asia and Africa, distributed 500,000 Bibles, and dug over 100 wells that provide clean water to needy families. Alpha is currently ministering in several restricted countries across South Asia. Some of their ministries include work in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Cambodia. They also work in Africa, with ministry in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Tanzania. Alpha is also a longtime partner with WWF for Pastor Sidikie’s Gethsemane Evangelical Ministry in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

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We are launching the Parent Association at Whole Word! The purpose of the PA is to support and encourage families at the church through fellowship, prayer, and teaching. The PA will be responsible for brainstorming and planning events and gatherings throughout the year. This can include family worship nights, outreach events, trips and outings, parent seminars, etc. If you are interested in getting involved, please join us for our interest meeting on Sunday June 2, in the Fellowship Hall after service.

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[Special Guest] Yesupadam

Growing up as an ‘untouchable’ Dalit in a poor remote Indian village, Yesupadam turned to communism at the young age of 11 as a means of taking revenge upon a society that rejected and hated him. For 13 years he lived as an atheist and alcoholic, given over to violence, rebellion, and communist gangs. He had rejected Christianity, a ‘Western religion’ that his father had embraced after hearing the gospel from a Canadian Baptist missionary. However, on January 26, 1976 Jesus appeared to Yesupadam. He saw with his naked eyes, the form of a man hanging on a cross with blood drops falling down from his nail pierced hands. Jesus spoke to him audibly, ‘Son, I have done all this for you, what will you do for me?’ Instantly converted and completely transformed, Yesupadam responded back, ‘Now I know you are God. Until the last breath of my life I will believe in you and will tell to my people that you are God.’ Since that time, his life has been passionately devoted to that mission.

After his radical conversion, Yesupadam spent more than three years in Iraq working for the government as a medical technician, for the purpose of sharing the gospel with Iraqis. Despite the political and religious opposition there, Yesupadam planted three underground churches and baptized many new believers who heard the good news of Jesus Christ through his ministry. Upon his return to India in 1983, Yesupadam left his job and gave himself to full-time ministry to believers in the local church and the lost people especially in the tribal villages. Yesupadam’s ministry in India has been marked by a burning heart to see India reached with the good news of Jesus Christ.

In 1988, Yesupadam saw a vision of two hands holding the globe, with the words ‘Jesus Cares’ across, and the names of 5 countries written below, namely U.S., Canada, West Germany, Sweden, and South Africa . Thus Love-n-Care Ministries International was birthed, with a burden not only for India but also for the world and specifically these 5 nations.

In 1990 Love-n-Care Ministries was incorporated in India and began planting churches and training young men to be evangelists, pastors and church planters. With a word from the Lord to ‘penetrate into the communities’ in order to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the people, the ministry began taking in the poor and suffering children, caring for the elderly and training disabled polio-affected young adults in various vocations. Love-n-Care Ministries also constructed a 25 bed hospital and began a Nursing School, while regularly conducting free medical outreaches in poor villages. In addition, they facilitate computer, printing and tailoring training, printing literature and recording music, evangelism, crusades and pastor’s conferences, flood and disaster relief, starting small businesses and working with HIV positive families.

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Church Picnic

Rain or shine, stay for a church picnic immediately following Sunday service on May 19. Hang out, meet new people, explore the church grounds. (Gluten-free and vegetarian options will be available).

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Water baptism is the outward expression of an internal conversion. It is the ceremonial act of joining with Jesus in His death and resurrection. 

The sacrament of baptism is said to have two parts: The one an outward and sensible sign, used according to Christ’s appointment; the other an inward and spiritual grace thereby signified.

Register by May 5

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to May 19

Pentecost Fast

We are inviting everyone to participate in our corporate fast as we prepare ourselves for Pentecost Sunday and water baptisms (May 19) as much as you are willing and able. This will be a time in which we corporately and individually humble ourselves by abstaining from food to increase our focus on prayer for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Although there are sometimes medical constraints, we are encouraging everyone to fast in one of the following ways:

COMPLETE FAST - water only.

PARTIAL (intermittent) FAST - fasting for a specific period of time each day (usually sun up to sundown).

DANIEL FAST - abstaining from meats, sweets, processed treats, and alcoholic drinks.


By Bill Bright


In preparation for this special time with God, I  urge you to examine your heart through prayer, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any unconfessed sin. Scripture records that God always requires His people to repent of their sins before He will hear their prayers. King David said:

“Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.
(Psalm 66:16-20, New Living Translation)

In your prayers, confess not only the obvious sins that come to mind, but allow yourself to linger in His presence, giving Him time to show you the less obvious ones as well. You may want to ask God if you are experiencing any of these signs of  leaving your first love: worldly-mindedness, self-centeredness, spiritual indifference,  unwillingness to share your faith in Christ with others, not spending sufficient time in God's Word and in prayer, a poor relationship with your spouse, your children, your friends, or other members of your church community.

Another great way to prepare for your fast is to practice what I call “spiritual breathing.” The concept is simple, but it has changed my own life and that of countless others.

Like physical breathing, spiritual breathing is a process of exhaling the impure and inhaling the pure. If you knowingly sin, breathe spiritually to restore the fullness of God's Holy Spirit in your life. You exhale by confessing your sins when you become aware of them, and you inhale by inviting the Holy Spirit to re-take control of your life. As an act of faith, trust Him to empower you. During the fast, spiritual breathing-constant reliance on the Holy Spirit-will enable you to resist temptation, not only to sin but to abandon your fast.


Although fasting is primarily a spiritual discipline, it begins in the physical realm. You should not fast without specific physical preparation.

If you plan on fasting for several days, you will find it helpful to begin by eating smaller meals before you abstain altogether. Resist the urge to have that “last big feast” before the fast. Cutting down on your meals a few days before you begin the fast will signal your mind, stomach and appetite that less food is acceptable.

Some health professionals suggest eating only raw foods for two days before starting a fast. I also recommend weaning yourself off caffeine and sugar products to ease your initial hunger or discomfort at the early stages of your fast.

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[Workshop] Parents - Is Your Child Ready to be Baptized?

"How do I know if my child is saved?"
"Is there an age too young to be saved or baptized?"
"What about infant baptism and sprinkling?"
"How do I talk to my child about salvation?" 

Parents, if you have any of these questions or wonder if your child is ready to be baptized, this workshop is for you!

This short workshop will help you learn more about salvation and baptism and how to talk to your child about these matters. 

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  • Luke 2:21 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”) 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.”

    Leviticus 12:6 “And when the days of her purifying are completed, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the tent of meeting a lamb a year old for a burnt offering, and a pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering, 7 and he shall offer it before the Lord and make atonement for her. Then she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who bears a child, either male or female. 8 And if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be clean.”

    Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

    Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

  • Will you, as the Parents commit to raise your child in the ways of God?

  • Will you, the Body of Christ assist these parents in raising up these children in the ways of God?

Registration: closed

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to Apr 28


Whether you are looking to just learn more about our church or you want to become a member, attending our Discover classes is the first step to joining our church. Discover is a 3 week course designed to help you discover:

  • Who We Are

  • What We Do

  • How to Get Involved

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[Special Guest] Howard Morgan

Dr. Howard Morgan is an internationally renowned Messianic Jewish prophetic teacher. His insightful, humorous and anointed ministry is inspiring, empowering and equipping believers around the world.

He had a dramatic supernatural encounter with God in December of 1971 that brought him to faith in the Messiah Jesus. His wife Janet, who is also Jewish, had a supernatural encounter in August of 1976 that brought her to faith. Together they planted and pastored churches in New York City from 1976 to 1987. Since 1987, Dr. Morgan has been traveling in a full time prophetic and teaching ministry, helping to establish and oversee churches and ministries, mentoring leaders and pastoring pastors.

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[Special Guest] Sidikie Kamara

Sidikie Kamara is the General Overseer of GEM (Gethsemane Evangelical Ministries) headquartered in Freetown, Sierra Leone. GEM has planted and built over 75 schools and churches in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea.

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to Feb 18

1 + 1 = 1 Conference - YOUR Calling in Marriage

1 + 1 = 1 CONFERENCE

YOUR Calling in Marriage w/ Sue and Merle Shank


Marriage is the God-given and God-ordained union of one man and one woman. It is two different people coming together for a unified calling as one. Join us for a weekend of Holy Spirit filled teaching on strengthening and also preparing for marriage.

Registration (REQUIRED):

Early Bird (ends Jan 19): $30/person
Regular: $50/person (deadline Feb. 11)
Child care: $80/child (deadline to register for child care Feb. 4)


  • Friday Feb 16 

    • 7-9pm Session 1

  • Saturday Feb 17 

    • 9:30am-11:30am Session 2

    • 11:30am-12:30pm Lunch (provided on site with each Registration)

    • 12:30pm-2:30pm Session 3

  • Sunday Feb 18

    • 10:30am Worship Service (open to all)


Merle & Sue Shank just celebrated 35 years of marriage in September 2023! Having met while students at James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA), they didn’t actually start dating until a month after their December graduations. Their “on & off dating” (the “off’s” were always Sue’s doing - but that’s a story for another time!) continued for 3 years before getting engaged in April 1988 and married in September of that same year. Merle worked as a software engineer for almost 13 years before being called into ministry with Grace Covenant Church. Sue stayed at home full-time while raising their 4 children. During those busy years, they served together as small group leaders and premarital counselors. Sue also led worship and mentored younger women in the church; while Merle pastored and served on various community non-profit boards.

In September 2022, at the Lord’s direction, Merle handed over the primary leadership of Grace Covenant Church to one of the (younger) associate pastors on staff. It was time to hand over leadership to the next generation and the Lord told Merle & Sue that there was a “next” for them; they wouldn’t be retiring. And He was right! In August 2023, Merle began a 1-year interim position as Executive Pastor for a church in our One Focus Network that is located in Virginia Beach. He currently works on site for 3 days/week and is home the other 4. Sue’s passion for mentoring continues and she spends most of her days in coffee shops and lunch spots in Harrisonburg meeting with women. They both love how the Lord is using them in this new “next” season of life!

Merle & Sue have 3 sons, 1 daughter, 2 daughter-in-laws, 1 son-in-law and one grandchild.

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Bowling Night

We invite you to join us for a night of fun and bowling! Kids, teens, and adults—all are welcome! This will be a wonderful time of fellowship and a great way to get to know someone new.

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As we wrap up Ascend the Hill: 21 days of prayer and fasting, we are devoting this Sunday’s service for an extended time of corporate worship and prayer. We are calling this Sunday, “NOVAHOP Sunday,” to give everyone a feel for what we do as a community in our NOVAHOP prayer meetings on Tuesdays 7pm and Fridays noon.

Here is what to expect:

  • The service will begin promptly at 10:30am with a special announcement and call to worship.

  • We will worship for about and hour and pray for different needs of our church community as the Holy Spirit leads.

  • There will be no Kid’s Ministry. Parents, use this opportunity especially to model and teach worship to your children as you worship together as a family. (If you need some space, the Fellowship Hall will be open with the service livestreaming. No drop-offs. Parent supervision required).

  • At the end of service, we will partake in Communion together, as we do the last Sunday of each month. After Communion, the Sanctuary will remain open for extended ministry. Altar Ministers will be available for prayer.

We are praying for a mighty outbreak of the Holy Spirit for all of us as we have devoted the start of 2024 for the Lord.

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to Jan 28

[Ascend the Hill] 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join the Fast

As 2024 begins, we want to start the year with 21 days set apart to seek God with all our hearts in prayer and with fasting. 

Let’s commit ourselves to go deeper with the Lord.

3 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
And who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to what is false
and does not swear deceitfully.
5 He will receive blessing from the Lord
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek the face of the God of Jacob.

Psalm 24:3-6

Why Fast?

To unite ourselves with the Lord and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.
Mark 2:20


Although there are sometimes medical constraints, we are encouraging everyone to fast in one of the following ways:

How to Prepare Yourself Spiritually and Physically For a Fast

By Bill Bright


In preparation for this special time with God, I  urge you to examine your heart through prayer, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any unconfessed sin. Scripture records that God always requires His people to repent of their sins before He will hear their prayers. King David said:

“Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.
(Psalm 66:16-20, New Living Translation)

In your prayers, confess not only the obvious sins that come to mind, but allow yourself to linger in His presence, giving Him time to show you the less obvious ones as well. You may want to ask God if you are experiencing any of these signs of  leaving your first love: worldly-mindedness, self-centeredness, spiritual indifference,  unwillingness to share your faith in Christ with others, not spending sufficient time in God's Word and in prayer, a poor relationship with your spouse, your children, your friends, or other members of your church community.

Another great way to prepare for your fast is to practice what I call “spiritual breathing.” The concept is simple, but it has changed my own life and that of countless others.

Like physical breathing, spiritual breathing is a process of exhaling the impure and inhaling the pure. If you knowingly sin, breathe spiritually to restore the fullness of God's Holy Spirit in your life. You exhale by confessing your sins when you become aware of them, and you inhale by inviting the Holy Spirit to re-take control of your life. As an act of faith, trust Him to empower you. During the fast, spiritual breathing-constant reliance on the Holy Spirit-will enable you to resist temptation, not only to sin but to abandon your fast.


Although fasting is primarily a spiritual discipline, it begins in the physical realm. You should not fast without specific physical preparation.

If you plan on fasting for several days, you will find it helpful to begin by eating smaller meals before you abstain altogether. Resist the urge to have that “last big feast” before the fast. Cutting down on your meals a few days before you begin the fast will signal your mind, stomach and appetite that less food is acceptable.

Some health professionals suggest eating only raw foods for two days before starting a fast. I also recommend weaning yourself off caffeine and sugar products to ease your initial hunger or discomfort at the early stages of your fast.

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Phone Donations

We are collecting used (working and broken) phones and tablets for our friend Alie Sesay. Alie was a Muslim beggar at the Freetown airport for over ten years. He received Jesus as his Lord and Savior about two years ago, led his family to the Lord and started a cell phone repair business. He is no longer begging at the airport, but he really needs old phones to sell and to use for parts.

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to Nov 24

[Campus Closed] Happy Thanksgiving

The church campus will be closed 11/20 to 11/24 for the Thanksgiving holiday. All on-campus activities are canceled including:

  • NOVAHOP Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting

  • Wednesday Bible Study w/ Pastor Pitts Evans

  • NOVAHOP Friday Noon Set

See you Sunday!

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to Nov 11

Blessing Generations Seminar

In the Blessing Generations Seminar, Craig Hill teaches about the seven critical times in life that God intended us to receive blessing in order to establish identity and destiny for our lives. The teaching and small group ministry times in this weekend experience will give you great revelation about your own life, impact your relationships with your own children and provide a time where God can restore what you never received.  

This seminar is not just for married couples!.It is for any adult seeking inner healing, wanting to release the past and desiring to walk in trust and peace with our Lord. 

  • Regular Registration ends Nov 5: $69.00

  • Late Registration: $89.00

We expect the seminar to reach maximum capacity so please register quickly if you are interested in attending.  

*In order to protect the ministry time from interruptions and minimize distractions, childcare is not provided.  We appreciate your understanding. 

Want to know more? Watch a 2 minute video here.

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Worship Team Auditions

Calling all singers and musicians. Use your musical talents to serve the Lord and the church! Worship Team auditions will be held after service on Sunday, October 15 in the Main Sanctuary. For more information, contact Jee Kim.

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